RF Power Supply (High Frequency Power Supply)
Description: An RF power supply is a power supply that can generate a sine wave voltage of a certain frequency with a certain amount of power in the RF region (about 3KHz to 300GHz). It is often used in semiconductor manufacturing and liquid crystal manufacturing equipment.
ACG-10 |
DCG-400Z |
GMW-25Z |
OEM-25B |
ACG-10B |
DCG-600Z |
LPG-12A |
OEM-25B-01 |
ACG-3 |
DOFBC2-083 |
NOVA50-04 |
OEM-25N |
ACG-3B |
DPG-10 |
NOVA-50A |
OEM-28B |
ACG-5 |
GEW-30A |
NOVA50A-02 |
OEM-50 |
ACG-6 |
GHW-50A |
OEM-50N |
ACG-6B |
GHW-55A |
NPR-6L |
OEM-6 |
DC21M-Z141300110A |
GHW-80 |
OB1-3 |
OEM-650A |
DC22M |
GHW-80A |
OB2 27MHz Gen |
DC24M |
GHW-85 |
OB2 2MHz Gen |
PL-2HF |
GMH12Z-13DF2N0-001 |
OEM-10B |
DCG-200 |
GMW-12Z |
OEM-12A |
Spectrum 3013 |
DCG-200Z |
GMW-25 |
OEM-12B |
Spectrum10513 |
GMW-25A |
OEM-20B |
Spectrum11002 |
RF Power Supply (High Frequency Power Supply)
Description: An RF power supply is a power supply that can generate a sine wave voltage of a certain frequency with a certain amount of power in the RF region (about 3KHz to 300GHz). It is often used in semiconductor manufacturing and liquid crystal manufacturing equipment.
ACG-10 |
DCG-400Z |
GMW-25Z |
OEM-25B |
ACG-10B |
DCG-600Z |
LPG-12A |
OEM-25B-01 |
ACG-3 |
DOFBC2-083 |
NOVA50-04 |
OEM-25N |
ACG-3B |
DPG-10 |
NOVA-50A |
OEM-28B |
ACG-5 |
GEW-30A |
NOVA50A-02 |
OEM-50 |
ACG-6 |
GHW-50A |
OEM-50N |
ACG-6B |
GHW-55A |
NPR-6L |
OEM-6 |
DC21M-Z141300110A |
GHW-80 |
OB1-3 |
OEM-650A |
DC22M |
GHW-80A |
OB2 27MHz Gen |
DC24M |
GHW-85 |
OB2 2MHz Gen |
PL-2HF |
GMH12Z-13DF2N0-001 |
OEM-10B |
DCG-200 |
GMW-12Z |
OEM-12A |
Spectrum 3013 |
DCG-200Z |
GMW-25 |
OEM-12B |
Spectrum10513 |
GMW-25A |
OEM-20B |
Spectrum11002 |
RF Power Supply (High Frequency Power Supply)
Description: An RF power supply is a power supply that can generate a sine wave voltage of a certain frequency with a certain amount of power in the RF region (about 3KHz to 300GHz). It is often used in semiconductor manufacturing and liquid crystal manufacturing equipment.
ACG-10 |
ACG-10B |
DCG-200 |
ACG-3 |
DCG-200Z |
ACG-3B |
ACG-5 |
DCG-400Z |
ACG-6 |
DCG-600Z |
ACG-6B |
DOFBC2-083 |
DC21M-Z141300110A |
DPG-10 |
DC22M |
GEW-30A |
DC24M |
GHW-50A |
GHW-55A |
NOVA50-04 |
GHW-80 |
NOVA-50A |
GHW-80A |
NOVA50A-02 |
GHW-85 |
GMH12Z-13DF2N0-001 |
NPR-6L |
GMW-12Z |
OB1-3 |
GMW-25 |
OB2 27MHz Gen |
GMW-25A |
OB2 2MHz Gen |
GMW-25Z |
OEM-10B |
LPG-12A |
OEM-12A |
OEM-12B |
OEM-6 |
OEM-20B |
OEM-650A |
OEM-25B |
OEM-25B-01 |
PL-2HF |
OEM-25N |
OEM-28B |
Spectrum 3013 |
OEM-50 |
Spectrum10513 |
OEM-50N |
Spectrum11002 |